Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still Waiting

I'm still waiting........ The Quiet Moments are almost here... My two year old is still tossing and turning and getting in to stuff. But the wiggling is starting to slow down. I have a lot to do this week. Lazy Daze is coming up fast (this weekend) and school is starting Wednesday. Lazy Daze is a festival in the downtown area and our church will be particpating by selling crafts and baked goods. There are many things I want to create, but there seems to be so much busy that it suffocates my creativity.

I am ready for a little bit of peace. I think I need a vacation. I definitely need more space. But I know that I need to be content. I will not have peace without contentment in where I am and who I am. I know my God will provide. He is Jehovah-jireh. He is also the Prince of Peace, Jehovah Shalom.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Alas, the long awaited quiet moments. You see as an only child, I long for the quiet moments. Now, don't get me wrong, I love loud and fun and activity; however, the quiet moments are my time to reflect, to learn, to create, to imagine... to be me. I never understood why I enjoyed sitting those few extra minutes in the car while everyone had gotten out or the opportunity to be in an empty room with just me. I love people, but why do I enjoy the alone time just as much as being with a group of friends? I know now after reading the The Birth Order Effect that Onlies are an interesting group of people. It's a must read. It not only helps you understand your own quirks but those around you.

I decided one night after reading so many wonderful blogs, to create one. Why not? I love to write and the quiet moments are the perfect time to fill a empty screen with letters and thoughts for the day. I don't know if anyone will read the posts that will fill this blog, but I do know I will enjoy this time reflecting and posting what matters in my life. Who knows, maybe this will help someone or at least give them something to read in their Quiet Moments as well.